Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to make a fairy tutorial

If you want any effects email us at
to get the latest effects as well, How to save : right click on the image and save as
Warning, if you use this tutorial give credits to me, if you don't give credit actions will be taken!

How to make a Fairy Tutorial:
1.       Open Photoscape, click on Editor
2.       Open the pic that u want to edit, in this case I chose Nancy Ajram- my favorite singer in Lebanon J
3.       Filter- Film Effect-Cinema-high
4.       Filter-Film Effect-Cross Process-Low
5.        Add those fairy PNG’s
6.       PHOTO+OBJECT- Combine photos
7.       Go back to the Home tab and add a frame line to it, any color will do
8.       I am gonna add text to it, so I am gonna make one now
9.       Now add the text to your Image and your done J

Corner Borders By Rockstar Talha

Square Effects By Rockstar Talha